An Egyptian Jew Looks Back to Her Native Country to Find Her Voice, by Juliana Maio
I was born in Egypt, but when I was three years old life as I knew it came to an end with the 1956 Suez Canal Crisis. My family was Jewish. They’d been there for a couple of generations, but suddenly we Jews became the enemy and my family was among the first to be expelled. They gave us one week to leave and we were only allowed to take a few suitcases, and maybe $50 in our pocket, if that. … >> READ FULL ARTICLE
The Journey Back, by Juliana Maio
Juliana Maio was born in Egypt, but expelled from the country with her family during the Suez Crisis. She was raised in France, completed her higher education in the United States, and today, Juliana practices entertainment law in Los Angeles. … >> READ FULL ARTICLE
American Author Remembers a different Egypt, by Juliana Maio
During her recent talk at UCLA, Lucette Lagnado, an investigative reporter for the Wall Street Journal, expressed nostalgia for a lost world as she discussed her memoirs about her family’s life in Egypt and subsequent exile in America. … >> READ FULL ARTICLE
Celebration of the Jews the world forgot, by Jordan Elgrably
As intermarriage and assimilation erode the already small numbers of Sephardic Jews in America, the struggle to preserve their ancient heritage is getting a boost from a modern trend: ethnic chic. … >> READ FULL ARTICLE